When should someone change their walking shoes? This is a question that many people have been asking for some time now. The consensus from leading shoe companies has been that the best way to know when you need to get a new pair of shoes is to listen to how your feet feel.
1. 500-Miles Limit
The best shoes for a particular person depends on their lifestyle, style, and budget. For example, joggers need a shoe that is able to withstand heavy-duty wear and tear from running, while someone who spends more time indoors might need a light sneaker that won’t get ruined by road debris or mud. In general, it is recommended that you replace your shoes every 400-450 miles, but this will depend on the type of use you have for them.
Even if you are not replacing your shoes every 400-450 miles, it is still important to replace them often enough to prevent the possibility of injury. Not only will this help you avoid pain and swelling in your feet, but it will also help your shoes last longer.

For example, if you have a pair of sneakers that cost $60 or more, then it is reasonable that you examine their quality after around 200 miles so that they don’t get damaged.
There is no one answer as to how often you should replace your shoes. It all depends on what type of use they get, what you are out doing with them, and how much it will cost. It is important to remember that even the best shoes can be damaged if they are not taken care of properly.
For instance, if your shoe does not fit properly because the heel has worn down or something else is wrong, then it will affect your overall performance in that shoe.
2. Shoe Care

These tips will help your walking shoes last longer:
- Be gentle with your shoes.
- Give them a good airing out before wearing them.
- Avoid wearing cotton socks in boots, which can clog up the drain holes and cause odor.
- Use an old sock to clean the insides of your shoes (avoiding the toe area). Then, put your foot inside and shake it vigorously to get rid of dirt and debris.
- When cleaning your shoes, don’t use a brush. It will damage the leather, and it will be difficult to get spots out.
- Don’t use a steam cleaner on your shoes. It can damage the leather and the seams of your shoes. You can soften smelly scuffs by lightly dampening a paper towel with alcohol and then blotting them up.
- Use a toothbrush to clean out stains in the toe area but avoid cleaning around the shoelaces Doing so can loosen them and lead to fraying.
- Reserving your walking shoes for workout walks exclusively. Wear them solely during your activity time; do not wear them all day. If you maintain them on their feet, they will receive more wear and will be exposed to foot wetness and germs for a longer period of time, which will cause them to degrade faster.
- Between uses, air out your shoes. Store your walking shoes in an open area to allow them to completely dry between uses. A gym backpack is not the ideal location for them to breathe.
- If you wash them, allow them to air dry. You are not required to wash walking shoes, but if you do, use mild soap and cold water to avoid damaging the adhesive. Always let them air dry rather than putting them in the dryer. Avoid using heat, as this will accelerate the breakdown of the adhesive.
- Always store them in good shoe box to avoid moldy
3. Rotate Your Shoes
Rotating your walking shoes is the best technique to determine if your shoes have perished. Begin by wearing a pair of walking shoes and changing them every one to two months. The shoes will give you the best indication of whether they need to be replaced or not.
With this technique, you can save some money and reduce the chances of an injury. What’s more, it can also help prolong the life of your shoes and increase their usage.
It’s imperative that you rotate your walking shoes to avoid stress-related injuries in one foot or leg. These are caused by injury, impact, or arthritis in one of your feet.
When you rotate your walking shoes, you will be able to know which foot is being affected. If you have a stress-related injury in one foot, adjust the shoes so that the affected foot will be on a lift or a platform.
Place your shoes on a flat surface, check to see if the sole of the shoe is warped. If your shoe is worn out, the sole will be worn on the inside or on the outside edge. The upper part of the shoe can also be damaged or show signs of tear.
Viable walking shoes should provide support to your ankles, soles, and arches. There are different footwear pieces that can help you perform diverse activities while walking.
4. Signs You Should Retire Your Shoes
No matter how many years you’ve spent wearing your favorite shoes, the time may come when they’ve taken more than they’ve given you. As your feet become inflamed, swollen, and tired of rubbing up against the same old shoes without any care for their comfort or health, it’s time to think about whether or not you should retire them.

There are a number of signs that will help you decide if it’s time investment into new shoes is worth it. Recognizing these signs can save you from returning to the same shoes that have done nothing but diminish your foot health over time.

- You have never been able to wear a very thick winter sock or pair of boots for very long without them being too tight.
- Your shoes are perpetually worn out and worn thin.
- Your feet experience a specific type of discomfort, pain, irritation, or feeling while wearing your shoes, while specific types of clothes do not apply.
- The form of your shoes has changed drastically, causing them to deform your feet in unpleasant ways.
- You have tried everything you can think of to fix the issue, but it has gotten worse.
- You have never been able to get an accurate fit because they are either too tight or too loose.
- The sole tread pattern has deteriorated. Many shoes are now designed in such a way that a different color appears through the sole when it is worn to alert you to this.
- The heel has been worn down more on one side than the other, to the point that the shoe leans to one side.
- There are creases on the side or bottom of the sole due to the support and padding breaking down.
- The uppers are disassembled at the ankle.
- These are just a few signs that indicate that it’s time for you to retire your shoes.
5. Risks

What is the harm of wearing dead shoes? They have died because they are no longer capable of providing enough support and cushioning. Inadequate cushioning and support can result in discomfort in the foot, knee, or leg, as well as possible ailments such as plantar fasciitis and iliotibial band syndrome.
What are the risks of wearing dead shoes? There are many reasons why shoes wear out. On average, a shoe will wear out after about 300 miles (500 km). When the foam in the midsole breaks down, it is no longer able to absorb shock properly. The material also tends to break down where you strike first with your foot when running. If worn heavily, the wear on the shoe accelerates due to increased weight. This can be caused by lifting heavy objects, walking long distances with the shoes on, running stairs, walking over bumpy sidewalks, or walking in deep snow.

Dead shoes are more likely to cause injuries. A shoe that is worn out may make your feet more likely to twist or turn too much, resulting in injuries like ankle strains and knee injuries. Shoes that are not broken in can lead to blisters on your feet, which develop into discolored areas of the skin that will not heal properly. When the skin on your feet becomes irritated, it can lead to calluses. The friction of your sock against your foot can cause chafing that develops into painful blisters.
6. Recycle Old Shoes

There is a myriad of reasons to keep your old shoes out of the landfill. If you know what to look for, it’s easy to find someone who is willing and able to recycle them.
In an effort to promote sustainability and reduce the number of shoes ending up in landfills, we thought it would be a good idea to compile a list of places that accept old shoes. Check out these websites and shops below, and feel free to pick one or more items from the list. Doing so will provide you with a cleaner environment, help curb consumerism, and maybe even make your feet feel better.
1. The Salvation Army

The Salvation Army is one of the largest charities in the United States, with over 5,000 retail stores across the nation. They accept all types of shoes (including dress shoes), and they will recycle them for you. The Salvation Army has several different services to help individuals and families in need, including their Adopt-a-Family program for Christmas gifts, their Angel Tree program to provide Christmas toys for children in need, and their home visitation program that provides emotional support for families who are at risk of homelessness.
2. Goodwill
Goodwill Industries International is one of the largest charities in the United States. They have over 1,200 retail stores across the nation, and it’s clear from looking at their website that they do not want your unwanted shoes ending up in landfills by any means necessary. Goodwill accepts all types of shoes (including dress shoes) and will recycle them for you.
3. Alameda County Parts and Service
If you’re in Alameda County, California, and can’t find a store that accepts your old shoes, you should contact the Alameda County parts and service center located at 2950 West Grand Avenue in Fremont. They can recycle your shoes for a small fee of $4 per pair of shoes (half price on pairs of size eight or smaller) and will even assist you in selecting a new pair of shoes once they have been recycled.
8. Tips for Extending The Life of Your Sneakers

Sneakers are one of the most versatile types of footwear; they’re sporty, casual, and fashionable all at the same time. But for these reasons, many people end up wearing them frequently and retire them prematurely.
If you like to wear your sneakers often but want to make them last longer, follow these simple steps:
- Always clean your sneakers before wearing them. If your sneaker is dirty, it can lead to dirt and bacteria getting inside the shoe, which will prevent the shoe from staying waterproof and breathable.
- Make sure to launder your sneakers at least once a week. A laundry bag will keep the dirt and moisture away from the shoe’s leather upper.
- Always place a pair of socks inside your shoes before you wear them for a few days, then switch out to another pair or layers of socks. This will keep moisture out of the shoe.
- Always wear sneakers on hard floors or on carpeted areas; avoid walking on soft, damp surfaces. If you like to jog in your sneakers, make sure to wear them more often than you would otherwise, since running on hard, dry surfaces will help retain the shoe’s shape longer.
- Keep shoes away from moisture or humidity; never store them in rubber or plastic bags. This can dry out the leather and make it crack over time.
- Never wear sneakers without socks. This will lead to the formation of blisters, which over time, will break down the fabric and cause permanent damage to the shoe.
- Never use a hairdryer or a radiator to dry out a damp pair of sneakers. This can cause irreparable damage to the shoe.
How many miles should a good pair of walking shoes last?
A good walking shoe should last 16-24 miles before it needs to be replaced, with a typical pair of shoes lasting about 150 miles. If you’re going for a long walk, you can expect your shoes to last longer than 24 miles. But if the walk is not so long and you’ve been wearing the same shoes consistently, go ahead and replace them after 150 or 200 miles.
How do I know if my walking shoes are worn out?
If you’re not sure whether it’s time to replace your walking shoes, take a look at the outsole. The outsole is the portion of the shoe that is in contact with the ground. When you see wear patterns on the outsole, it’s time to replace your pair of walking shoes. How can you tell if your walking shoes need to be replaced? It often depends upon how often you wear them.
When should you throw away shoes?
When they are worn out, the shoes themselves will tell you when it’s time to throw them away. When the walking shoes are worn out, your walking experience will be uncomfortable and painful, especially for walking short distances.
How often should you buy new everyday shoes?
Buy new everyday shoes every 150 miles. Sometimes it’s better to buy two pairs at once, so you have white shoes for daily wear and red shoes for every other day.
Or buy two pairs of everyday shoes at once, so you have one pair for working outside in winter, one pair for working outside in summer, etc.
Is there an expiration date for walking shoes?
Similar to tires, you should replace your walking shoes once they are worn down or damaged, regardless of how many miles you walk in them. There is no standard guideline for the number of miles before replacing your walking shoes. But manufacturers generally recommend replacing your walking shoes after about six months of use, regardless of the number of miles you walk.
If you do not walk consistently or if you alternate between indoor and outdoor use, replace your pair after every 6-12 months regardless of mileage.
Can you recycle old walking shoes?
Most shoes can be recycled; check with your local recycling center. If you want to, you might be able to give old shoes away to people who may need them. But make sure to wash them first.
If you have an older pair of walking shoes that you do not want to keep, consider giving them away instead of throwing them in the trash or recycling bin.
How do you store old walking shoes?
Store them in a cool, dry place. Don’t keep the shoes in the sun as it will make them age faster, and don’t store them in a damp area as it will make them rot.
Should you use shoe trees when you’re not using your walking shoes?
Yes. You can use shoe trees to improve the longevity of your walking shoes by protecting the shape of the sole, particularly if you leave them for a long time without using them.
Do you need to waterproof your walking shoes?
No, you don’t need to waterproof your walking shoes. In fact, waterproof shoes will make your feet sweat.
What’s the best way to take care of my walking shoes?
Wash the bottom of the shoe and sole and apply a good quality leather conditioner every few months.
Do you need to add insoles to your shoes?
If you want to extend the life of your shoes, then yes. You should always be wearing good quality insoles inside your shoes, whether you are walking or not.
Even if you don’t walk, the quality insoles will help support your feet and keep your feet healthy and pain-free.
How often should I switch my insoles?
As often as necessary to keep your feet comfortable and healthy. There is no standard guide; it depends on the condition of your feet which you can feel through your shoes.