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How To Condition Leather Boots?






Most people wear leather boots because they are fashionable, sleek, and stylish. They’re often made out of high quality leather with nice hand stitching. However, once you break your first pair of boots into small pieces that no longer look good or work properly, you might be wondering if it’s time for a new pair. This is a guide on how to condition leather boots. It’s important to keep your boots in good condition so they last longer, so follow this simple guide for great results.

The shoes are bought new or considered “new” after being repaired or re-soled. The first step is to bring the leather back to its original suppleness with a conditioning product made especially for that purpose. Leather dressing, boot grease, and waxes are the appropriate products that will work on all types of leathers used in footwear manufacturing today. They can be applied directly to new shoes or as an impregnation process during repairs if they are already worn.

Condition Leather Boots

Things You Need To Condition Leather Boots

1. Brush


The brush is used to spread the conditioner. You can use a normal brush or suede brush, which is a type of brush used primarily for applying suede shoe polish.

2. Leather Conditioner

Leather Conditioner

Conditioner is used to improve the suppleness and suppleness of leather. Conditioning products for leather boots contain oils and other ingredients that, when applied to the wet surface, soften and smooth it. 

5. Boot Grease or Oil

Boot Grease

Boot grease or oil can be applied directly to the inside of the boots if they are dry, otherwise apply it to a cloth.

6. Soft cotton cloth (to wipe on the leather after applying the leather dressing or oil)

Soft cotton cloth

A soft cotton cloth is used to wipe on the leather after applying a treatment.

7. Strips of leather (for making repairs)

Strips of leather

Strips of leather are used for making repairs on damaged parts.

How To Condition Leather Boots?

1. Remove the shoes from your feet

Once you have selected a conditioner, polish, or stain to use in re-conditioning your leather boots, make sure to remove your boots from your feet in order to protect them from any spills or drips. The last thing you want is a pair of ruined boots.

2. Brush the boots thoroughly

After removing the shoes from your feet, brush the surface to remove any loose dirt or debris that may be present on the surface of the boots. Doing this before conditioning will help spread the conditioner evenly and prevent it from settling in unwanted areas when applied later on.

3. Apply the leather dressing

Apply the treatment to a clean, soft cloth and work it into the leather. Pay special attention to applying it in areas that have been damaged or dried out over time. Avoid using too much of the product at one time in order to prevent excessive buildup. If you apply more than is necessary, wipe it off with a clean cloth before applying any more. Allow the boots to air dry overnight so that any excess conditioner can fully evaporate from them before wearing them again.

4. Buff the boots with a soft cloth

Buff away any excess residue with a soft cotton cloth after waiting overnight for all of the excess leather dressing or oil to evaporate away from them on their own.

5. Oil the boots and set them aside

Oil the surface of the boots with a suitable product and then set them aside overnight to allow all excess oil to evaporate away from them.

6. Apply a thin layer of leather dressing or waxing product

Once all of the excess oil has been removed from the boots, apply a thin layer of leather conditioner or waxing treatment to loosen and smooth out any rough patches in the leather. Use enough for this purpose but not too much, as it can cause an undesirable buildup if improperly applied. If applying either product, make sure that there is plenty of room on your clean cloth for applying it evenly and that you wipe off any excess before using it again. If you have any questions about which product to use for your boots, ask your local leather goods store.

7. Polish or wax as desired

After conditioning the boots as desired, polish or wax as desired to leave a smooth, gleaming surface on the surface of the boots.

8. Allow them to dry completely before wearing them again

Allow the boots to dry completely before putting them back on your feet again so that no damage is done during wear.

9. Put them back on your feet and enjoy

After properly conditioning your leather boots, you can get back to wearing them without fear of causing further damage to them by taking them out onto the city streets.

Benefits From Conditioning Leather Boots

Leather Boots in Winter

1. Renew your leather boots

Conditioning keeps your boots from drying out and cracking. It also helps to keep them soft. Conditioning also helps your boots from getting scratched, causing the leather to get worn quicker.

2. Revive the leather’s appearance

Conditioning keeps your boots from looking dull or dry. It also enhances the color of the leather, making it look more natural and appealing than it did before you conditioned them. 

3. Protect against mold and bacteria

Conditioning your boots will ensure that mold does not grow on them, which would be detrimental to their durability. Mold can cause discoloration on the leather, as well as cause it to rot away, causing the boot to become unusable.

4. Protect against damage

While conditioning your boots will not repair the damage that is already done to them, it will help to prevent new damage from happening. It will also help protect against potential damage by wearing down your boots while you walk.

5. Reduces the effects of wear and tear

Conditioning your boots will help to slow down the effects of wear and tear. It will help to reduce the amount of cracking that happens in leather boots, while also helping to prevent it from happening in the first place.

6. Makes them last longer

Conditioning your boots regularly helps to make them last longer by protecting against issues like mold or water damage to the surface of the boot.

7. Improves appearance over time

The conditioner helps to enhance the overall appearance of your boots over time by helping to keep them long-lasting, as well as restoring the color of the leather on which they are on. 

8. Makes them more comfortable to wear

Conditioning keeps your boots from being uncomfortable during your wear. It also keeps them from being too tight or too loose.

9. Preserve the leather’s suppleness

Lastly, conditioning helps to prevent the leather from becoming stiff and crunchy. This condition makes them far more comfortable and pleasant to wear than they would be if they were left unconditioned and stiff.

Types of Leathers Used In The Production of Boots

Lamb’s Leathers

obtained from young sheep that are kept for several months until they reach market weight. Used for soft, supple leather that is more sensitive to wear than horsehide. Less durable than goat or horse leathers.

Goat’s Leathers

obtained from unbranded young goats that are kept for several months until they reach market weight. Gives leather a distinctive aroma and often causes allergic reactions to people who are sensitive to its odor. Extremely durable and can last for many years.

Horse’s Leathers

obtained from young, unbranded horses that are kept until they reach market weight. Gives leather a distinctive aroma and often causes allergic reactions to people who are sensitive to its odor. Durable, but not as durable as goats or cattle.

Cattle’s Leathers

any animal from which leather originated including antelope, buffalo, deer, sheep, etc. Most commonly used in the production of boots by the American company Danner . It has a smooth finish and a rough side grain texture, which makes it ideal for rugged wear due to its resilience and durability. The brown color of the hide comes from a recessive gene in the animal’s genetics.

How Often Do You Condition Your Leather Boots?

How Often Do You Condition Your Leather Boots

Conditioning your boots will vary depending on the type of leather they are made of. Leather that is oily is best to condition several times a year, while leather that has been treated with waxed or oiled should only be conditioned once per year.

As long as your boots are properly cared for, they will last you much longer than you think. They will protect them from tears, cracks, and stains that can cause them to become unusable. This is why it is important to properly care for your boots.

Many leather products can be damaged by water or chemicals, including leather boots. Even the most waterproof leather products still require maintenance and care to prevent further damage or degradation of their condition. Hydrogen peroxide can damage your boots, but thinner concentrations of the substance such as those used in some hair treatments won’t harm them. You can also apply a leather conditioner to your boots so that they don’t lose their suppleness.

It’s important to take care of your feet when you wear boots, especially those made from leather.


1/ What is a good leather boot conditioner for boots?

A good leather boot conditioner should work well on any pair of boots to make them look as good as possible, as well as make them more comfortable to wear. If you are considering using a conditioner on your boots, be sure to consider the effectiveness of the product first before purchasing it.

2/ How do I use a leather boot conditioner?

Using a leather boot conditioner is easy, especially if you are following the directions provided by the manufacturer. You should apply the boot conditioner to your boots in a circular motion and then wipe it off to reveal clean and conditioned boots.

3/ How long should I let a leather boot conditioner sit on my boots?

It is important to let the leather boot conditioner sit on your boots for a minimum of a few hours. This will allow the conditioner to penetrate the pores of your footwear and allow it to work its magic. You will also want to leave it on for a minimum of 24 hours before you take them off.

4/ Is it necessary to use a leather boot conditioner every time I wear my boots?

You may only need to use a leather boot conditioner once per year, or when they start looking dull and dry.

Peter William
Peter William
I am a professional photographer and shoe-lover. With a deep-rooted passion for all things footwear and years of hands-on experience, I am your go-to guide in the awesome world of shoes
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