The Shoe Box NYC

Your Ultimate Destination for Footwear Enthusiasts!

Step into a world where fashion and comfort collide! The Shoe Box NYC is your go-to hub for everything footwear-related. Whether you're a seasoned fashionista or simply looking for the perfect pair to complement your style, we've got you covered.

Work Shoes


Are Converse Shoes Good For Skateboarding?

The converse is a company that has been around for a very long time. They have been around long enough to earn the trust...

5 Reasons To Make ECCO Shoes Good

Whether you're looking for something with a little more traction or are just in need of some new kicks for your winter shoe closet,...

Army Boots Overviews: All You Need To Know

It’s important for all soldiers to be properly outfitted when they enlist in the Army. And yet, it can be difficult to find the...

How Do You Change Batteries In LED Shoes?

I have a pair of light-up shoes that need changing. I start there because it's always easier to look for help when you know...

Vans Shoes: Do Vans Run Large or Small?

All such days, it seems as though everyone has at least one pair of Vans in their shoe collection. You probably already have a...

Do Skechers Provide Student Discounts?

Being a student means you won't have a lot of money to buy shoes, especially those from popular brands like Skechers. In this article,...

Skechers Shoes: Are Skechers Shoes Good?

To get the right fit, you don't have to spend hundreds of dollars on a pair of shoes. You don't have to search much...

Are Vans Shoes Good for Walking?

Many people enjoy wearing vans shoes for their style and comfort. However, if you are looking for a shoe to maximize your walking experience,...

Are Skechers Good For Gym?

If you're looking for a shoe that will help you with your gym training, there are many choices available. However, not all shoes are...

Hot Topics

How To Choose the Right Work Boots for Asphalt Work?

There are multiple problems that asphalt workers face on a daily basis when it comes to their footwear, such as:  Working on their feet...

How To Choose The Right Shower Shoes for Women?

Whether you are staying at the hotel, relocating into a university residence, or going to the pool and gym, a good pair of shower...

How To Choose The Right Work Boots For Sweaty Feet?

Nothing is more inconvenient and frustrating than sweaty feet. I mean, it is not just about the irritation, but there are numerous issues associated...